Tuesday, November 16, 2010

heroes reflection

my goals for this project were to represent the hard things that EMTs see during their calls. my project called a wave of the hand is imagining that with a wave of the hand the hardships disappear thats why one side is colorful and represents all thats good.

final reflection

This term has gone pretty well. I have learned how to mix colors efficiently, how to draw figures accurately, and also how to improve my thinking process to generate ideas. in the term I was looking forward to doing a lot of cartoon drawing but in the end most of my projects were completely serious. The amount of jokes was kept to a minimum. the thing hat most surprised me was my ability to draw figures. The two people I drew actually had the attitude show I the drawing. My biggest success would have to be the what if project I liked the idea in the beginning but as time moved on the amount of work it required was over whelming. So I took the logical route and made it in my image by changing the details in to general shapes and making it hard to see. The most difficult thing I had to do is come up with some ideas, the one that I had the hardest time on was the product ideas, that project was difficult for me because all my problems have some cure of its to stop being lazy. In the end the term went very well I was very pleased with the positive atmosphere and to grow as an artist I need that kind of environment but to continue growing I should work on my techniques and also probably take some more art classes.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I searched on the New York Times web site and found a story of how a woman has a 18 month old child with down syndrome had. The article was her defending herself ad saying she is not a hero or any different than any other mother. She said that she give her child the same amount of care to her child as any other parent and she doesn't deserve praise. I found this to be motivating by saying our society see every one as a hero. It's mankind complimenting mankind. the second article on New York Times was about the waitress who defended her brother and became a lawyer to save him from his eighteen year long conviction. Her success story is becoming a Hollywood hit titled conviction. I feel this truly summarizes the human spirit in the fact we will chase the truth till we achieve it.

Friday, October 15, 2010

mid term reflection

up to this point i haven't really thought things out in the brain storming phase. mostly i just jumped in and started working. through out the process i just went with my gut. that ended me up with a misspelled neutral on the text project but i like how well it turned out. the what if project had me stumped so i made a giant smudge and redrew the Lincoln Memorial in the way i thought it looked. it turned out well. and on the painting project i dove in head first an made a horrible painting that from far away if you squint it kinda looks like the cleaning products. but because its mine i like it.


this piece is called "what if we left?"

         i think it turn out very well considering that the black smudge was supposed to be a lot less noticeable. in the end i actually like it now that i can see it on a smaller scale considering i couldn't take in all of the picture at once. the black smudge represents the pollution that was left behind the wheel chair abandonment and the torn flag shows what we once held high has been toppled over. the crack poses an interesting idea of how the earth would die without us.